Download "Blazin' High" by Tony Williams (ft. Wale, Emilio Rojas, & Mackmore)
Many people have no idea who Tony Williams is, truth is neither did I as of 2 hours ago. However he has been in the game for some time now producing for big name artist out there. I really like the track Blazin' High; posted above because it features Wale and Macklemore, who are two of my favorite artist out there now. Tonny Williams has more great tracks on his new mixtape which I would suggest downloading. Download the Mixtape HERE!
I am sure everyone knows who Wale is so, to introduce everyone to Macklemore here are
Macklemore - "And We Danced"
Macklemore - "And We Danced: Download"
So for those of you who are ready to write off Macklemore, dont! This video is Macklemore just having fun. My guess is since he became sober 2 years ago, he had to have some other output to have fun, and this is certainly a great way to have a great time.
Macklemore - "Otherside"
Macklemore - "The Town"
The last track that I will post is Macklemore's song "The Town". This was the first Macklemore song I listened to and it got me to fall in love with his music. Enjoy!

The Unplanned Mixtape - Macklemore