Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Girl Who Glows" by Tha Capital G (Music Video)


Tha Capital G... learn this name because you are sure to hear more from him in the near future. This up-and-coming rapper (who also goes by the name Giddens)  is destine for great success, and today we give to you his newest track "Girl Who Glows". The visuals that go along with this track are quite impressive and fun. Grab this track and play it at your next party, if you have to wait until the end of the week to party then this also makes a great track to add to your playlist as you walk to class.  

Giddens has such a unique sound when it comes to his music and vocals, that I can see this taking him to the next level. I strongly suggest checking out on his Soundcloud if you want to hear more of his music. Also show him some support and "Like" his Facebook Page.

"Girl Who Glows" - Tha Capital G

Download Link: "Girl Who Glows" - Tha Capital G (iTunes)


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